Ransom grants

Our Ransom Grant is a fund dedicated to supporting  parishes in need of funding, especially those working on evangelistic and formative projects.

Grant applications are now closed, the next round of applications will open on 3rd July 2023.


Applications for 2024

Applications open 5th August 2024

Applications close 8th November 2024.

Decisions will be given by email by the beginning of December, and successful applicants will receive their funds by early January 2025.


Application criteria

Applications for a Ransom Grant may only be submitted by the parish priest of a Catholic parish of England & Wales. All applications should be made on behalf of a parish and must meet the following criteria:


Your parish’s annual Sunday collection is below £30,000 (including standing orders and Gift Aid)


You will use the Ransom Grant for your own parish and in one of the following ways: 
Formation for evangelisation (e.g. training or a parish mission)
Resources for evangelisation (e.g. digital media or books)
General parish development, which may enable evangelisation (creative use of the grant is permitted here)


You have not received a grant from The Guild of Our Lady of Ransom in the past 24-months.
A parish priest may make an application on behalf of another parish within this timeframe, if their appointment has changed since their previous successful application.

Please note that no applications can be considered for the funding or partial funding of a salary.

Additional commitments

If your application is successful, we ask that you  commit to fulfilling the following objectives within 12 months of receiving your grant:


Celebrate at least five Masses for the forgotten dead in your parish. 


Promote the Guild of Our Lady of Ransom in your parish with the aid of promotional material sent by the Guild.


Submit a testimony of how you used your grant and how this helped your parish. This testimony may be used to promote Ransom Grants in the future. 


Be willing to be interviewed on camera about your experience with the Ransom Grants. This footage may be used in future promotional material for our grants. 



All applications will be considered against the criteria listed above. Applications may then be authenticated by the Ordinary of the parish’s diocese.

Applications are considered on a first come, first served  basis. Please note: the total funds available varies each year. Therefore, successful applicants will receive a portion of the grant available in that year of application.

Grant applications are now closed, the next round of applications will open on 3rd July 2023.

Frequently asked
